Request for Agency Feedback on MHME Release 4.17
Curious about the next major release for MHME? You can see what we covered in our first sprint review for client feedback on September 12 by tuning into the recording on the Corner. Please join us for our last 4.17 client feedback session on October 10 so we can share our latest progress and capture your agency’s input! Reminder: you need a MonsterGov Corner account to access this information.
Agencies Vote for Selecting Official in MHME User Group
On August 23, 2023, MonsterGov hosted its latest Federal User Group to hear from 13 agencies on their top talent acquisition system priorities for 2024. We played an interactive game where participants were split into different breakouts and asked to vote on their top priority tech items for MHME, including their own write-ins. The final consensus: Selecting Official was the top winner. Keep your eyes out for more updates next month!
Register for MHME System Training in October
Have you hired new HR staff or want to get brushed up on MHME? In early October, we’re offering a two-day basic training for our federal talent acquisition system. The following week is a 1.5-day training course, Selecting Employees with Monster Hiring Management, to help HR professionals maximize their assessment efforts. Already have the basics down? Join us mid-October for our advanced MHME course for HR specialists.
Going Through Change? How Are You Managing It?
Whether implementing a new module within the MHME suite or leading a full modernization of your HR programs, the way you approach change has lasting impacts on the success of that change. At this year’s IPAC Annual Conference, MonsterGov I/O Psychologists offered a tutorial on Designing a Change Management Strategy for practitioners who may be leading an organizational change. Interested in how we can support your agency?
The White House Push for Federal AI Hiring and New USAJOBS Portal
Next month, the White House will be focusing on outreach and recruiting efforts around AI jobs in the Federal Government, and in alignment with these priorities, USAJOBS is creating an AI search page leveraging a new custom MCO tag (“AI”). Agencies are encouraged to add this new tag to the talent acquisition system by October 3 and begin tagging relevant AI positions to be part of the administration’s efforts.
National Tech to Gov Virtual Forum and Job Fair in October
With the support of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM), the Tech to Gov Coalition is hosting its next job fair on October 24, 2023. More than 30+ federal, state, and local agencies will be present to connect technologists with job opportunities. Federal agencies who are interested in participating are encouraged to reach out to the contact listed on the page below.
Honoring September 11 and the Spirit of Service
In honor of the September 11 National Day of Service and Remembrance, many of our fellow Monsters spent the afternoon volunteering for 9/11 Day in Washington, DC and Boston, MA, where they packed more than 525,000 meals for people experiencing food insecurity. We are grateful to the Monsters who participated and to the 9/11 Day organization for their initiatives in bringing people together in service.