Selecting Official Module Survey Closing Friday
A friendly reminder for MHME federal agencies to respond to our survey on the Selecting Official module by Friday, December 15, 2023. We’re looking to hear from HR users, selecting officials/hiring managers, system administrators, and other hiring stakeholders who may be using this MHME module as the survey results will help to influence our 2024 planning. Clients can check the MonsterGov Corner post to access the survey.
Have New MHME Users? Let Us Help.
Has your agency made new HR hires that may not have MHME experience? Or maybe an internal hire that is new to their role and how they would interact with the system? MonsterGov offers open-enrollment training for its federal talent acquisition system, and the 2024 Training Calendar is now available. Visit our calendar to see if any courses suit your needs or connect with your MonsterGov representative if you prefer a private training session just for your agency.
Join Us for 4.18 Sprint Review 1!
MHME release 4.17 is now live in production systems, and the first sprint review for 4.18 is almost here! Client agencies are invited to join us on December 14 to get a sneak peek of what we’re working on and provide your feedback. Check out the invite in the Corner for more information and 4.18 save-the-dates.
Heads Up on MHME Satisfaction Survey
It’s almost that time of the year again! In Q1 2024, MonsterGov will be sending out its MHME Satisfaction Survey, and we are excited to hear from you. Similar to last year’s, it will be a brief survey intended for any and all agency users of MHME on MonsterGov’s federal technology solutions and services. Keep your eyes out for the email notice from the Corner.
Stay in the Know with MonsterGov Corner Emails
In case you weren’t sure, all client agency users of the MHME federal talent acquisition system are invited to register for an account on the MonsterGov Corner, which is a gated resource portal with MHME system notices, release information, general client communications, calendars, and more! Corner account holders will get an email notification for new Corner posts, so you don’t have to login and check for updates every day. Already have an account but not getting emails? Check out these FAQs if you already have an account but aren’t getting emails.
Happy Holidays and Best Wishes for the New Year from your Favorite Purple Monster!
