We’re all trying to navigate working in a remote environment, which introduces unexpected challenges. Gain insights on how workers are feeling about the pandemic. Additionally, we have tips and resources on how to work from home, manage a team remotely, and more. Learn more >
Most of us are working from home now, and we want to hear about your hiring experiences. Take our quick poll and get a real-time dynamic snapshot on what other peers are feeling. Take the poll now >
The need to quickly find qualified people to fill essential roles has never been greater. We want to help. Starting now, we’re providing free access to 30-day job postings (up to 10) for organizations with essential staffing needs as a result of COVID-19. Learn more >
We have our Business Continuity Operations Plan(COOP) in place to keep the Monster Hiring Management Enterprise(MHME) system up and running and available to you; but do you have your system administration plan in place? Take a peek at our checklist to help you get started with your COOP plan. Learn more >
Were you scheduled to take MHME training or looking to improve your skills this Spring? We’re now offering classes virtually! And, we have a number of classes available. Learn more >
Making Cyber Hygiene a Priority Along with Handwashing!
It is essential that all users of federal information systems are aware of heightened cybersecurity concerns and practice good cyber hygiene because malicious actors will seek to take advantage of this situation. Be sure to review your agency’s cybersecurity awareness, enterprise VPN security, telework, and remote access policies.

We’re here (remotely of course) and ready to help you find and hire the people you need to keep your agency moving forward.
Be safe. Stay well.