Top of the TAS

monster giving the thumbs upMonsterGov’s Favorite Federal Projects of 2024

Thank you to all our federal agencies for your collaboration in the continuing evolution and advancement of the Monster Hiring Management Enterprise (MHME) Talent Acquisition System (TAS). Your involvement is a key part of the reason why MHME is where it is today – a culmination of 24+ years (and counting!) of best practices and experiences from 100+ federal agencies – enabling you to hire the right people for mission success. At MonsterGov, we’re proud to deliver the stability you trust with the innovations you need.

Check out MonsterGov’s favorite federal TAS projects from 2024!

number 1 icon1. Full transformation of MHME’s Job Analysis module, providing an end-to-end approach to building and documenting compliant job analyses and assessment process, including automated question weight calculations and deeper integrations with Vacancy Builder and Position Classification, for more seamless, effective, and higher quality outcomes – and the ONLY commercial technology in the market to do this.

number 2 icon2. Adopted AI in Federal Hiring, such as AI assistance with high-volume PD migration, AI-scored writing assessments, or exploring AI-assisted help. Continuing R&D for other appropriate opportunities to improve experience and effectiveness for HR, hiring managers and applicants.

number 3 icon3. Entered next R&D phase to provide seamless, time-saving agencywide certificate sharing – including the newly released, trackable ‘shared certificate’ indicator – that builds on MHME’s current capabilities per the Competitive Service Act.

number 4 icon4. Integrated a new assessment for Automated Essay Scoring for an objective, AI-supported analysis of a candidates’ writing skills (supporting the Chance to Compete Act) that features seamless inclusion within the application process.

number 5 icon5. Deployed and piloting the new Onboarding+ system with early adopting agencies, backed by an interim FedRAMP ATO. With visual dashboards for transparency, built-in collaboration tools, and process automation, Onboarding+ empowers agencies and candidates with a dynamic, engaging, and efficient experience from tentative offers to EOD readiness and beyond.

number 6 icon6. Finalized prototype of our Next-Generation Analytics platform to initially power Onboarding+, pending nearly approved FedRAMP SCR. Analytics+ features dynamic dashboards and data visualization tools, data dictionaries, and more functionality to come. MHME’s current analytics system was also enhanced with more data integrations and added reporting functionality around Position Classification and Hiring Management.

number 7 icon7. Grew our best-in-class Position Classification solution with more advanced tools so users can add and track more details around requests, accommodate ‘wet’ signatures for supervisors, and reuse custom factor-level statements with a more dynamic PC library.

number 8 icon8. Upgraded technology framework and security infrastructure, plus continuous security monitoring and other annual FedRAMP requirements to protect agencies and job seekers.

number 9 icon9. Improved User Experience to make your job easier across MHME, including enhanced document/file management, more automated notification options, systemwide declination tracking, and an expanded Selecting Official dashboard.

number 10 icon10. Ensuring federal compliance and support of governmentwide initiatives to minimize burden on agencies and empower agencies to partake in opportunities that could further boost their hiring capabilities, including USAJOBS integrations and other OPM initiatives.

We’re grateful to continue the journey with all of you in 2025!

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