Monster Government Solutions Annual Event 2018


Wednesday, December 12, 2018

7:30 AM to 2:30 PM

7:30 AM Registration, Breakfast, Networking

8:30 AM Welcome Address

8:40 AM Winning the Competition for Quality Talent

9:20 AM Identify the Best Qualified Talent

9:50 AM Break

10:05 AM Technology for the Workforce of the 21st Century: A Monster Hiring Management Enterprise Update

11:10 AM MHME Q&A

11:30 AM Creating a Seamless and Engaging Experience for New Hires

12:00 PM Spotlight on Federal HR Game Changers

12:30 PM Lunch

1:00 PM Volunteer Hour

Check out the detailed agenda.

The United States Navy Memorial
Naval Heritage Center - Burke Theater
701 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20004


We are close to being one week away! Make sure to register for our dynamic half-day program where we'll share strategies and best practices to quickly find and hire the right talent. The first 100 people to register will receive a swag bag!

You'll get an opportunity to hear from, and network with, your peers across government, and learn how they are positively disrupting their recruiting, hiring, and onboarding processes.

We'll explore the latest enhancements and some unique implementations of Monster Hiring Management Enterprise in federal agencies and deployment of commercial recruitment solutions for the public sector.

All federal HR professionals are welcome to attend the forum at no charge. Breakfast and a boxed lunch will be served.

After our sessions, join us in giving back to the D.C. community. After the event this year, we will be coming together to assemble personal care kits for D.C. homeless.

Check out the updated agenda. We hope to see you there!


Please contact:
Ania Baca VanDeusen
Monster Government Solutions

Follow us on Twitter @monstergov and join the conversation! #MonsterGovForum18

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